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Roberta Boardman was one of the original founding members of our Citizens Against Double Track Steering Committee. Early in her career, Roberta worked for L.A. City government, and held positions as Deputy to Los Angeles City Councilwoman Joy Picus, Deputy to City Councilman Joel Wachs, Consultant with Delphi Assoc, Executive Director of the Tarzana Chamber of Commerce and Office Administrator for the California State PTA. Roberta recently passed away, but we will never forget her, nor will we forget her tireless efforts to keep our community safe and peaceful. She was adamantly opposed to Metro's proposed Double Track. | |||
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl is our District Supervisor and she has been absolutely instrumental in supporting our opposition to Metro's proposed Double Track. We are very grateful to Supervisor Kuehl for her support, and while there is no particular order to this page, it is entirely fitting that Supervisor Kuehl is at the top of our supporters list. | |||
Supervisor Kuehl's Deputy is Nicole Englund. Nicole has proven time and again to show the greatest sense of responsibility to our community. She seems to have an internal sense of justice and fairness. Her continued responsiveness and timely updates to our committee have been critical to our success! Thank you so much, Nicole! We appreciate the help of the public interest Mountain States Legal Foundation for starting a file to review our case on its merits for public interest representation. The MSLF is dedicated to the right to own and use property, limited and ethical government, individual liberty, and the free enterprise system. | |||
We are currently working with Congressman Brad Sherman's office to call for a full EIR/EIS and to prevent the FRA Categorical Exclusion Worksheet, which is full of false claims and misrepresenations, from being used to circumvent necessary community protections such as an Environmental Impact Report and full and complete Environmental Impact Statements. In a statement published in the Daily News, Congressman Sherman outlined his hope that Metro could conceivably continue with the positive aspects of the Double Track project, but remove the double track from our residential community, leaving it as a single track. | |||
John Alford, Senior Policy Advisor for Congressman Sherman's office met with our Steering Committee Co-Chairs Larry Potell and Mike Rissi and has since worked in a coordinated effort with Nicole Englund and Sheila Kuehl's office to address our issues. This is representative government working the way it is supposed to work. Thank you, John! | |||
Assemblymember Assistant Marc Berkman representing our community residing in the 45th District, visited our neighborhood along with members of the Citizens Against the Double Track Steering Committee to personally take a close look at the tiny ribbon of land where Metro is proposing to install the second railroad track, along with the highly objectionable Double "Track Shift," all planned to be located right behind residential homes. We are grateful for his help and our Assemblymember's strong letter of support in opposition to the Double Track and we look forward to working with Marc to prevent its unacceptable installation once and for all. | |||
Pointing out a sample of the countless contradictions and false claims that became the foundation of the Double Track project, 38th District Assemblymember Scott Wilk in November 2015 wrote a powerful letter on behalf of our entire community in opposition to the proposed Double Track project, and in support of completely removing our residential neighborhood from the project. Thank you, Assemblymember Wilk. | |||
Early on when our Steering Committee first started obtaining signatures for our petition against the Double Track, our Councilmember Mitch Englander met with Steering Committee members Roberta Boardman, Larry Potell and Mike Rissi. Councilmember Englander provided advice to grow our numbers of supporters and also a letter of support which his Deputy Brian Oh later read in person before Metro Executives at the Metro Community Meeting August 25, 2015. | |||
Metro CEO Phillip Washinton recently pledged to put a "hold" on the Double Track Project altogether. Our committee has no problem with safety improvements to current Train Crossings and other maintenance and upgrade improvements. Our entire effort is strictly to remove our neighborhood once and for all from having a Second Railroad Track installed. |