Steering Committee Co-Chair Larry Potell outlines evidence that Metro's Double Track Project was founded on false claims, misrepresentations and obfuscation.
Steering Committee members Briana and Rick Guardino explain the unacceptable dangers and rank misanthropy of placing any proposed railroad track less than 50 feet from residential properties.
Real Estate Expert Carol Otero explains the negative impact on property values if Metro forces the Double Track onto our residential neighborhood. No one ever disclosed to any homeowners that a 2nd track ever COULD be added.
Steering Committee member Barbara Romey addresses the looming threat of long oil trains, otherwise known as "Bomb Trains" which could drastically increase in both size and number if Metro's proposed Double Track is approved.
Steering Committee member Stefan Mayer outlines dangers of placing not only the poorly designed Double Track but also the proposed "Track Shift" right behind residential homes. See more about "Track Shifts" at the bottom of our safety? page.